Tuesday 22 November 2016

The Ewes of Ghana: The most outstanding qualities of this beautiful tribe

The Ewes are an ethnic group in West Africa who are spread mainly between the Mono and the Volta rivers within the borders of Ghana, Togo and Benin. History has it that, the Ewes “had been on the move” for a long time, migrating from Tando, in modern-day Western Nigeria to Notsie (ŋɔtsie) in Togo. Presently they occupy the South-Eastern coastal plains of Togo and Volta Region of Ghana. I think is important you know that the Ewes are mainly fishing and farming folks.

In Ghana, the Ewes are the second largest ethnic group. They are not just large for nothing; they are synonymous with these outstanding qualities, which have endeared them to be envied by many.
These excellent qualities run in their gene. The society only help to bring them to the fore. Let’s consider some of them.
Ewe woman

They pride in their industriousness, an Ewe woman is never lazy and will make sure she does everything possible to assist her husband financially at home. She feels uncomfortable staying at home without working and she always finds herself guilty whenever she is called a “Good house wife”
Every Ewe woman is naturally endowed with all the good qualities that make a complete woman. Good cook, clean house, good in bed, and much more.  Any Man married to an Ewe woman hardly buys food at the restaurant, why buy when your wife cooks even better, reason they will always come to work with their food jars. He is always in rush to get home quickly after work because he can’t wait to enjoy the delicious food at home. They can manage any little money given to them to prepare the best meal.
Ewes have good thinking abilities.
They are very intelligent and always love what they do. Because of this they are almost found in every occupation thus Teaching, Agriculture, Tourism, Metal Fabricating, Fashion and Designing, Politics, Entertainment etc
Ewes are Religious.

Their names are sort of motivation to them. They give religious names to their children to give thanks to the Almighty God. Examples of such names are Selorm –  God loves me, Mawuko – Except God, Sefa – God is Calm, Seyram  – God bless me etc.
Next time you come across an Ewe, please expect these and other outstanding qualities that will certainly impress you.

Source: Festus Sefa Sedofia

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